Xi Bao | Won the top 30 list of China's printing and dyeing enterprises in 2023

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In order to guide China's printing and dyeing industry enterprises to speed up the pace of reform and innovation, transformation and upgrading, improve international competitiveness and achieve high-quality development, China Printing and Dyeing Industry Association continues to carry out the declaration work of China's top 30 printing and dyeing enterprises in 2023. According to the application materials of the enterprise and combined with the actual production and operation of the enterprise, the scale, economic benefits, social responsibility, innovation ability, energy conservation and environmental protection of the enterprise are comprehensively evaluated, and the 2023 top 30 printing and dyeing enterprises in China are launched in accordance with the principles of fairness and justice. Fujian Fengzhu Textile Technology Co., Ltd. was listed in the top 30 list.



This time, Fengzhu has been selected as one of the top 30 printing and dyeing enterprises in 2023, which is another good news after the "intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory" of the Ministry of industry and information technology of the people's Republic of China. It hopes to make persistent efforts, continue to deepen scientific and technological innovation, enhance the development potential, be the "leader" and "vanguard" of the industry, and actively play a leading role in the industry. Further enhance the awareness of transformation and development and the sense of responsibility for the sustainable development of the industry, strive to improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise development, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of China's printing and dyeing industry.





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Key words:

Top 30, Top 30, Printing and Dyeing Enterprises

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Fengzhu textile headquarters service telephone:0595-8205 0055
Insider Trading Report Phone:0595-8565 6506 Miss Chan Mei-jin (Secretary of the Board)

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